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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Reduction

About the process
If you’ve had enough of shaving, waxing, plucking or bleaching, and you’re looking for a permanent solution to hair removal, laser hair removal is for you. It’s a highly effective way to put a complete stop to the battle against hair regrowth, and it can be performed anywhere on your face and body, including your upper lip, underarms, arms, legs and bikini line. Laser hair removal is also popular with men, who commonly use it for getting rid of facial hair, as well as hair on the back and chest.

Laser Hair removal is ideal for:

  • Face (particularly your upper lip and chin)
  • Arms
  • Chest
  • Bikini
  • Neck
  • Only dark hair (brown to black) can be successfully treated.
  • Back

What is the procedure
Typically, the areas to be treated are shaved a few days prior to the laser hair removal treatment. On the day of the procedure, an aesthetic cream may be applied, although this step is not necessary. In addition, a cool laser tip, spray, or gel can be used to make the treatment feel more comfortable, depending on the type of laser that is to be used.

The laser energy is then focused on the hair follicles using a hand-held laser. Most laser hair removal patients report little or no discomfort during the procedure, which ranges in length based on the size of the laser hair removal treatment areas.

Procedure Advantages
It shows immediate results, has no downtime and not painful.The appeal of laser hair removal stems from its effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience.

Technology involved

The Laser sends a high intensity light directly to the hair follicle, where it delivers a therapeutic heat to eliminate the follicle’s ability to grow hair. A cooling burst of cryogen helps protect the upper layers of the skin to give you optimal results with minimal side effects.

3 stages of procedure


There needs to be an organized, structured and methodical approach with a holistic ‘Understanding’ to determine how to get the best outcome for each patient.

. While the approach to assess each patient is always the same, the findings will always be different and hence the treatment plan. All this are an outcome of the effort to develop an initial understanding.


Within our relaxing and nourishing environment, we strive to provide a diverse array of treatments and technologies to give you a strong and healthy skin whose youthfulness and glow will stand the test of time.
The laser hair removal system we use is gentle and does not cause pain. All you will feel is a warming sensation as the laser moves across your skin.


Laser Hair treatment is a personalized treatment plan that is tailored according to the density, coarseness and growth of hair. Your dermatologist will examine the nature of hair growth in the initial consultation and decide the intensity of laser and help you plan your sittings.